한국에 어버이 날이 있다면, 미국엔 Mother’s Day가 있다. 매년 5월 둘째 주 일요일을 어머니와 함께 보내며 어머니의 사랑에 감사하는 날로 지정한 것. 리한나, 지지 하디드, 아리아나 그란데, 저스틴 비버 등 많은 셀레브리티들이 SNS에 어머니와 함께 찍은 사진을 업로드하며 어머니의 날을 기념했다. 벨라 하디드는 “모든 엄마, 할머니 그리고 나아가 모든 여성들에게 감사하고 사랑한다”는 메시지와 함께, 저스틴 비버는 보이즈 투 맨의 ‘A song for mama’의 가사와 함께 어머니의 사진을 업로드했다. 셀레브리티들이 SNS를 통해 엄마에게 전하는 사랑의 메시지를 확인해보자!
지지 하디드
❤️ Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)님의 공유 게시물님,
벨라 하디드
저스틴 비버
You taught me everything Everything you’ve given me I’ll always keep it inside You’re the driving force in my life, yeah There isn’t anything Or anyone that I could be And it just wouldn’t feel right If I didn’t have you by my side You were there for me to love and care for me When skies were gray Whenever I was down You were always there to comfort me And no one else can be What you have been to me you will always be You will always be the girl In my life for all times Justin Bieber(@justinbieber)님의 공유 게시물님,
아리아나 그란데
카밀라 카베요
here’s to the kind of woman I hope to be one day….. thank you thank you thank you for being my angel on earth and for everything you do that nobody sees. i could never be me without you, and i have my biggest role model as my best friend- i love you and I’m so thankful for who you are and everything you’ve done for our family camila(@camila_cabello)님의 공유 게시물님,
제시카 알바
데이비드 베컴
젠다야 콜맨
에밀리 라타이코프스키
블레이크 라이블리
니키 미나즈
카이아 거버
존 레전드
리즈 위더스푼
Celebrating all the mothers around the world! You are ALL my heroes…You have the hardest job on earth- to care for, nurture and give love to the next generation! It’s my greatest joy being a mom to these 3 wonderful kids and so I share this day with you ALL! #MothersDay Reese Witherspoon(@reesewitherspoon)님의 공유 게시물님,
킴 카다시안
조 크라비츠
Mama. Zoë Kravitz(@zoeisabellakravitz)님의 공유 게시물님,
제시카 비엘
앤 해서웨이
Happy #MothersDay to my Mom, the actress Kate McCauley Hathaway. This is a photo of her as Nellie Forbush in South Pacific. She was four months pregnant with my older brother when she played this part and did cartwheels on stage every dang night- twice on matinee days. She pursued her dreams of being an actress while raising three children before that was cool and before you got credit for it— and she hasn’t stopped. She is in rehearsal right now for “At Wit’s End” at Cape May Stage which runs May 24th- June 22nd. If you find yourself in the cutest town just south of #exitzero in NJ, you should check her out. Mama, you’re the Queen. Happy Mother’s Day xx Anne Hathaway(@annehathaway)님의 공유 게시물님,
- 디지털 에디터
- 우보미